Leak Detection, Training Leak Detection On An Enormous Pool using LeakTronics Pro Complete Kit This is a leak detection on a really big pool we performed using the Pool Scope and Pipe Mic in the Pro Complete Kit from BY LeakTronics July 3, 2019
Leak Detection, Repair Work, Training Use the 45 Minute Leak Detection Rule when you can’t find the Leak in a Pool There is no harder leak detection than to perform one on a swimming pool that isn't actually leaking. Here's a pool in Woodland Hills we were BY LeakTronics July 3, 2019
Leak Detection, Repair Work Leak Detection on a $250,000 Swimming Pool In this episode of Turning Leak Detection Into Repair Work, we're at a $400,000 pool in Bel Air that has a design flaw. During our BY LeakTronics May 24, 2019