Residential leaks often creep up on a homeowner and they realize there’s an issue after they’ve seen the bill. That’s when they call for a leak detection. In Los Angeles, we get a utility bill every other month, and it’s often combined services. If you do happen to nice a spike in water use, it could mean that water has been leaking for 6 weeks without you knowing, and maybe more. By the time you’ve received your bill, you’re already on the hook for the expense of water loss.

Seeing higher than expected water bills is one way customers raise the red flag and call for a leak detection. These are easier because it’s already apparent water is going somewhere. Starting the leak detection at the meter and using the equipment in the Plumbers leak Detection Kit is a step by step process that will reveal all the leaks on the property.

Another reason a customer might call is that they hear running water. This isn’t as easy as knowing there’s a leak up front. The sound of water could be due to a bad seal on a toilet, or a leaking faucet. Hopefully the customer has done a little searching up front and eliminated some suspect areas, like toilet floats, or old shower heads as being the root of the issue. Still, when the technician enters the house, it’s likely they will also hear the sound of water running and might be able to nip it in the bud before having to perform a complete leak detection.

I had a leak detection performed and found the leak in under my living room floor,” shares Brandon Valenti. “Later that week we had the house painted, and after the contractors wrapped up and left, I heard water running. I called our leak detection tech and he came to the house. He listened, and followed the sound to the side of the house. Before breaking out his equipment, he walked around the perimeter of the house and turned all the hose spigots tight. What had happened was, the painting contractor had hit the spigot handle just the slightest bit and it sounded like a leak, but was in fact, the slightest pressure lost in a handle that was just a hair open.

Metal pipes radiate the sound of a leak for literally a thousand feet or more. Being that most houses aren’t that long, the sound of a leak emanating throughout the plumbing in a house can sound very loud, and suspicious. While the customer above thought there was a leak, in essence, there was – but it was stopped by just turning the handle tight. Customers aren’t always aware of the things that can cause the sounds from water escaping a pipe, but a trained professional leak detection technician can button it up in note time.

A customer might call because they can feel a warm spot on the floor or in a wall. If a hot water pipe has burst in the smallest spot, maybe due to patina or age, the hot water escaping might be spraying along the back side of the wall, or underside of the floor. The wood itself will feel warmer as a result. This is a good sign of something leaking, and you know who usually finds it first? Pets! If a customer notices pets laying in a new spot often, it’s a good sign to you, the contractor, that a pipe is leaking under the floor.

Wet spots being walls and under floors can produce a musty or moldy smell after a while. Some customers might pick up on this and guess that the smell is due to water saturating the back side of the wall from a broken pipe or water dripping. This is an obvious sign of a leak, but a call to a professional leak detection specialist will answer the question as to what it is, and what it will take to repair it.

Not all Plumbers perform leak detections, but it’s good to make a few calls to find a reputable plumber who does both leak detection work and repair work. A plumber might often combine the price of performing leak detections and repairs and give a break on the total cost. Plumbers who use LeakTronics equipment can offer the most non-invasive and accurate leak detections using the most advanced listening technologies.

Find a pro in your area who uses LeakTronics equipment, or is trained by LeakTronics in the most effective methods of leak detection used in the industry today.

Visit: or call 818-436-2953 to learn about LeakTronics equipment, leak detection training and professionals who can service customers leak detection needs today.